March 23, 2020

Hello, Darling Fellow Zodiacal Travelers;

Well, the good news is I got on my website for the first time in a year!  I was re-reading all the messages from the past , the last one was about life after the fires.  Wow, fires, floods and plagues...we are certainly at the center of Intersting Times.  That said "it's always somethin'" and this latest is one we all share. We may be apart, but we're all together.  There's a bit of comfort in the unity of our suffering, eh?

I am writing another message which I will put up on the site when I am finished.  It will be all about the aspects, and thoughts of the Coronavirus and humanity, but this post is a practical one.  While there is breath, I will be doing what I do...just in the cool, hip YOUNG way (if I can figure it out, ha ha) on Zoom.  Till I DO figure it out, I am on the phone. 

If you have a reading scheduled, or want to make one, call our number: 707-996-0435 or (best) email:

Life goes on, and as it does, we will learn.  I personally prefer to heal myself with suppliments, Chinese Medicine (heard that it was instrumental in reducing the Covid in China--hearsay, of course) but we are sick as we live, we do it our own way.  Do what you need to do, and should this virus decide to take you for a spin, rest.  I have heard it is the key.  All hearsay--I am fine so far.  Should that change, I will let you know. 

It's a good time for a reading...nothing like taking refuge in The Past, Others and The Future, all locations available in our charts. As for The Now, time in Nature is replenishing...and yes, there's always Netflix, and speaking personally, I just read a fun novel for the first time in EVER. 

I wish you peace and good health, to you and all those you love.




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